Avoid scams and fraud
Signs of fraud: wire transfer, money orders, cashier checks, payment via gift cards, shipping, escrow, "transaction protection", "guarantee". Be safe by dealing locally. Read more

Help for Common Questions

If your question is not answered below, please contact us.

How do I post an ad?

You can post a free ad at any time by simply clicking the "Post an Ad" link at the top of any page. This will guide you through our simple posting process where you will be able to select a category and location for your ad, provide a title and a description, select an expiration date and upload up to 5 pictures. You can also click here to post an ad now.

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How do I edit my ad?

You can edit your ad by logging in to your account and going to the Your Stuff page. From there, select which ad you want to change and click "Edit". Similar to the ad posting process, the editing page will allow you to change anything on your ad including the category, location, title, description, and your contact information. When you are done making changes to your ad, click the "Finished" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

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How do I renew my ad?

Three days before your ad is set to expire a "Renew" button will appear on the Your Stuff page next to the ad. Simply click the button to renew your ad. Our system will also send you an email with an option to renew your ad before your ad expires. Additionally, you can renew your ad at any time by simply updating the expiration date. To do so, log in to your account and go to the Your Stuff page. From there, click the "Edit" button to the right of your ad. This will take you to our easy editing page where you can extend the expiration date. Once the ad has been updated, it will go through a manual review process and then be published back to the top of our listings.

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How do I delete my ad?

You can delete your ad by logging in to your account and going to the Your Stuff page. From there, select which ad you want to remove and click "Delete". A pop up message will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete the ad. Please be aware that once you delete an ad the action cannot be undone. If you are ready to delete your ad click "Ok".

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How do I add or remove pictures?

You can add or remove pictures by logging in to your account and going to the Your Stuff page. From there, select the ad you want to change and click "Edit". Scroll down to the Images field where you can manage the pictures for your ad. Click the "Choose File" button to browse your computer for pictures to upload. Each ad can have up to 5 pictures. Click the green arrows to change the order the pictures are shown. If you need to rotate an image click the blue arrows. And if you need to delete a picture click the red "X". When you are done making changes to your ad, click the "Finished" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

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Why is my location different than the one I selected?

When you provide your city or ZIP/Postal Code when creating your ad, it automatically maps your exact location to the closest location in our system. So, while it shows your location is different than the one you selected, your listing will still show up in the city you posted it in when users search for that location.
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When will my ad expire?

During the ad posting process, you have the option to choose the expiration date for your ad. The default setting is 6 months. Available expiration deadlines are 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months. If you would like to change the expiration date of your ad simply log in to your account and go to the Your Stuff page. From there, select which ad you want to change and click "Edit". Scroll down to the "Expire on" field where you can change the expiration date for your ad. When you are done making changes to your ad, click the "Finished" button at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
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Can I post my ad over the phone?

At this time, we do not offer a service that allows users to place ads over the telephone. But, posting an ad on ClassifiedAds.com is easy! Simply click the "Post an Ad" link at the top of any page. This will guide you through our simple posting process. Or click here to post an ad now.
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Who will see my ad?

ClassifiedAds.com is used throughout the United States and Canada, as well as a few other countries. If you post your ad in a particular city, the ad will be visible to everyone browsing the city level, the state level and the country level. However, if you do not specify a city and state, the ad will only be visible to people browsing on the country level. Your ads will get more visibility if you specify your city and state during the ad posting process.
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How many ads can I post and can I post my ad in multiple cities?

There is no limit to the number of new and unique ads you can post. However, per our policy we ask that you please do not post the same ad more than once in 48 hours and do not post the same ad in more than one city or category. Duplicate ads may be removed without warning. With the way our search works, if you post your ad in a particular city our system will automatically display the ad in search results for nearby cities as well. This way your ad gets better visibility without you having to re-post it.
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Can I put a link in my ad?

Yes, you can post a link in your ad. If you enter a web address starting with http it will become a click-able link in your ad. Avoid putting a comma or other punctuation at the end, as it may be considered part of the address.
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Is it free to post ads?

Yes. ClassifiedAds.com is 100% free. You can post ads, browse ads, and respond to ads all for free. There are no fees or commissions. You are welcome to post an ad for free at any time. Click here to post an ad now.
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Do I need an account?

No. You do not need an account to post ads, browse ads, or respond to ads. Once you post your first free ad you will be able to create an account.
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How do I find my ad once it has been posted?

To locate your ad, click on the category that you chose while posting your ad. Check the city shown at the far right of the search bar to make sure you are browsing in the correct geographic location. If you are not searching in the correct location, click the drop down arrow to enter in the correct location. You can also find your ad by using the search bar and searching for your ad ID number. (It may take up to 24 hours for your ad to appear in search results.)
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How can I tell how many people have viewed my ad?

Your Ad information can be found on the “Your Stuff” page. Under “Your Ads” you will see your Ad Id # listed on the left side, the title of your ad listed in the middle, the ad created and expired dates on the right side along with the number of ad views.
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How do I post an ad for a Garage Sale?

To target many users so that they can come to your garage sale, we encourage our users to make an ad at least one week before. We suggest to include in the body of your ad clear directions to where it will be. Also, please include your phone number and add pictures for the most valued items. Do not forget to specify the date and time in the title and in the body of your ad. We have a “Garage Sales” section under the category “Community” where you can submit your ad. Here is the link to that section in our published listings: https://www.classifiedads.com/garage_sales-21.html
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Where do I post an ad for a Cemetery Plot?

Because we do not have a category specifically for cemetery plots, our users post their ads for cemetery plots in the "Other Real Estate" category under Real Estate.
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Can I post affiliate links in my ad?

We do not allow ads that constitute or contain "affiliate marketing," "link referral code," "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or unsolicited commercial advertisement; or that include links to commercial services or web sites; or that constitute or contain any form of advertising or solicitation. We apologize for any inconvenience. For more information on the type of content we do allow, please see our Terms of Use
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I’m not sure what type of content is allowed to post? How do I find out?

We do not allow ads that constitute or contain "affiliate marketing," "link referral code," "junk mail," "spam," "chain letters," "pyramid schemes," or unsolicited commercial advertisement; or that include links to commercial services or web sites; or that constitute or contain any form of advertising or solicitation. We apologize for any inconvenience. For more information on the type of content we do allow, please see our Terms of Use
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I have not received my confirmation email or I no longer have it. How do I make changes to my ad or account?

If you have not received your confirmation email yet, we recommend checking your junk/spam mail folder. If you do not receive the email or have deleted it, we recommend that you go to our Lost Password page and enter your email address. Once you have created a password for your account, you can log in any time to post, edit or delete your ads.
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I am having trouble uploading my pictures, am I doing something wrong?

If your images are very large, they may take extra time to upload, especially if your internet connection is a bit slower than others. We recommend that you try making your images smaller by using photo editing software on your computer. You can also try adjusting the settings on your camera so that pictures are saved at a more reasonable size, like 1024x768.
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How do I publish an "unpublished" ad?

To publish an ad that is showing as "unpublished", simply log in to your account and go to the Your Stuff page. From there, click the "publish" button under your ad. (It may take up to 24 hours for your ad to appear in search results.)
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How do I respond to an ad?

To respond to an ad, simply fill out the “Respond to this ad” section including the “Your Name” field, “Your email” field, and the “Message” field. When you are done creating your message simply click the “Send Message” button. Our system will send the message to the author of the ad.
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How do I receive messages?

If someone responds to your ad by filling out the “Respond to this ad” section, our system will relay the message to your email address. You can then reply directly to the person who sent you the inquiry. You may want to check your junk/spam mail folder to make sure messages are not being sent there by accident.
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Can I contact people who have looked at my ad?

Unfortunately, we have no way of identifying the people who have looked at your ad. However, if someone responds to your ad, our system will send the message to your email address. Additionally, people may decide to call you on the telephone, if you included your number in your ad.
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I have not received any replies to my ad, am I doing something wrong?

If you have not received any replies to your ad it does not mean you did something wrong. It is not unusual for it to take some time before someone responds to your ad. We do recommend checking your junk/spam mail folder to make sure messages are not being sent there.
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How do I attach a photo when responding to an ad?

Unfortunately at this time we do not have a feature that allows you to attach a picture when responding to a user's ad.
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I’ve been contacting a user about their ad but they won’t respond back. Can you contact them for me?

If a user has not responded to your inquiry about an item, it’s possible the item is no longer available and the user didn’t take their ad down. It may also be possible that the user doesn’t check their email very often. Unfortunately if a user hasn’t responded to you, we are unable to contact them for you. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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How do I search for my ad?

You can search for your ad two ways. You can type your ad ID number into the search bar and our system will take you directly to your ad. Or you can set your location to the same location as your ad and go to the category your ad was posted in. If you posted the ad recently, it should be on the first page of that category. (It may take up to 24 hours for your ad to appear in search results.)
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I keep getting search results that are not close to what I am searching for. Am I doing something wrong?

The way our search works, is you can set your location and then search for a specific type of job, car, item, etc. Our system will then supply results that match your specifications exactly, and then it will show similar or nearby results. When we do not have a lot of ads that match your criteria, you will start to see ads that may be farther away than what you are looking for.
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I received a confirmation email that my Personals ad was posted, but I can’t find it in the listings. Where is it?

When a Personals ad is posted, it will always go through a manual review process. This includes any time you list a Personals ad, renew it, edit it or update it. This will cause a delay of up to 24-36 hours before you can find your ad in our listings. After the review process, your ad will be posted to our live listings.
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How do I register or create an account?

Once you post your first free ad an account will be created for you. You do not need an account to browse or respond to ads.
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How do I log in to my account?

To log in to your account go to our Log In page and enter your email address and the password you created. If you do not remember your password or you have not yet created a password for your account, click the Don't know password? link to have an email sent to you with either a copy of your password or instructions on how to create one.
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How do I create a password?

After you post your first free ad, we send you a confirmation email. In that email is a link you can click to create a password for your account. If you did not receive the confirmation email, or if you are logging in with Facebook and have not posted an ad yet, you can click the Don't know password? link on our Log In page to have instructions on how to create a password sent to your email.
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How do I change my password?

To change your password, simply log in and go to the Your Stuff page. Next, locate the “Your Settings” section and click the “Edit Settings” button. On the page that follows enter in a new password. Click the “Save changes” button at the bottom of the page when you are done making changes. The next time you log in you will need to use your new password. Please remember that passwords are case sensitive.
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What do I do if I can’t remember my password?

If you cannot remember your password, simply go to our Log in page and click the Don't know password? link. On the page that follows, enter your email address and click “Continue”. Our system will send you an email with a link to reset your password. Simply click on this link and enter in a new password on the page that follows. Click the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page when you are finished.
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How do I verify my email address?

To verify your email address, you must be logged in to your account. Go to the Your Stuff page and click "Send verification email now". This will send you the verification email. In that email, follow the web address that we provided. You may be required to create a password.
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How do I change my email address?

To change your email address on your account, simply log in and go to the Your Stuff page. Next, locate the “Your Settings” section and click the “Edit Settings” button. On the page that follows, erase your current email address and enter your new email address. Click the “Save changes” button at the bottom of the page when you are done making changes. The next time you log in you will need to use your new email address.
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How do I edit my ad?

To edit your ad, simply log in to your account and go to the Your Stuff page. From there, select which ad you want to change and click "Edit". Similar to the ad posting process, the editing page will allow you to change anything on your ad including the category, location, ad description, and your contact information. When you are done making changes to your ad, click the "Finished" button at the bottom of the page.

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How do I renew my ad?

Three days before your ad is set to expire a “Renew” button will appear on the Your Stuff page next to the ad. Simply click the button to renew your ad. Our system will also send you an email with an option to renew your ad before your ad expires. You can also renew your ad at any time by simply updating the expiration date. To do so, log in to your account and go to the Your Stuff page. From there, click the "Edit" button to the right of your ad. This will take you to our easy editing page where you can extend the expiration date. Once the ad has been updated it will go through a manual review process and then be published back to the top of our listings.

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How do I delete my ad?

You can delete your ad by logging in to your account and going to the Your Stuff page. From there, select which ad you want to remove and click "Delete". A pop up message will appear asking if you are sure you want to delete the ad. Please be aware that once you delete an ad the action cannot be undone. If you are ready to delete your ad click "Ok".

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How do I delete my account?

To delete your account, log in and go to the Your Stuff page. From there, click the orange "Edit settings" button towards the bottom of the page. Next click the red "Delete all" button. You will be required to enter your password one more time. This will permanently delete your account and all of your information from our system; this action cannot be undone.
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How do I log in with Facebook?

To log in using Facebook, simply go to our Log in page and click the blue “Log in with Facebook” button. You will be required to enter your Facebook log in credentials. If you do not already have an account with us, this will create a new account for you. If you have an existing account that uses the same email address as your Facebook log in, you will be signed into that account. If you have an existing account that was created using a different email address than the one used to log in to Facebook, a separate account will be created in our system.
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What is my Ad Id?

Your Ad ID and other ad information can be found on the “Your Stuff” page. Under “Your Ads” you will see your Ad Id # listed on the left side, the title of your ad listed in the middle, the ad created and expired dates on the right side along with the number of ad views.
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What is my User ID?

As a user, you are identified by the email address you used when posting your first ad. To log-in, you do not need a User ID but rather your email address.
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How do I edit account information/settings?

To edit the details of your profile, log in to your account and go to the “Your Stuff” page. From there, scroll down to Your Settings and click "Edit Settings". Simply edit the information you wish to change and click "Save Changes" when you are done.
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I’m trying to log in but it says it doesn’t recognize my email. Why?

Be sure when you are trying to log in that you do not have any typos. The email section is not case-sensitive, but the password is. If you are sure you did not have any typos, be sure that you are using the correct email address. If you posted your ad using a different email, you would need to log in with that specific email address.

You may be unable to log in if you haven’t created a password yet. You can have a link sent to your email to create a password.

If nothing above seems to work, is it possible you have us confused with a different but likely similar classified advertising website? We might suggest checking your email for any ad confirmation email to confirm the website you posted your ad on.
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How do I log out?

You can log out by going to the “Your Stuff” page, scrolling towards the bottom of the page, then selecting the orange button that says “Log out.” You can also log out by clicking the “not you?” button at the top of any page on ClassifiedAds.com.
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How do I delete messages?

To delete messages from the “Your Stuff” page, simply click the message so it expands and then click the “Delete” button that appears at the bottom of the message. This will permanently delete it from your account, and the action cannot be undone.
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How do I link my PayPal account to my ad?

You are welcome to include your accepted methods of payment in the body of your ad. However, ClassifiedAds.com does not moderate any transactions that occur between the seller and the buyer. ClassifiedAds.com is not affiliated with PayPal or any credit card processing agencies. We always recommend dealing with local people who you can meet in person.
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How do I stay safe using ClassifiedAds.com?

We encourage our users to only deal with people that are local and that you can meet in person. Never wire funds and never give out personal information (i.e. social security number, bank account number). For more tips please see our Scams & Fraud page.
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How do I report scams or bad ads?

To report a scam or an ad you feel may be fraudulent, click the “Report this ad” link on the ad page. This will send notification to our Support Staff to investigate the ad further. If you think you have been contacted by a scammer, you can send us a message through our Contact Us page. Please make sure to include details about the scammer such as email address, phone number, or ad ID number.
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Is this the same as Craig's List, Ebay Classifieds, or Kijiji?

ClassifiedAds.com is not affiliated with Craig's List, Ebay Classifieds or Kijiji. We do offer a similar free service where you can post ads, browse ads, and respond to ads all for free.
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Do you also have a newspaper?

ClassifiedAds.com is not affiliated with any newspaper or other printed publication, so any ads you submit will only be published in our online listings.
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How do I place a sponsored ad?

We do not currently offer special placement for ads on our listings page or sponsored ads opportunities to our users at this time.
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How can I contact you on the phone?

At this time we do not have a telephone support line. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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Is this the same as Penny Saver?

ClassifiedAds.com is not affiliated with Penny Saver or any other printed publication, so we do not deliver any papers to homes or businesses.
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If your question is not answered above, please contact us.

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